Tammy’s lunchtime stand

So Tammy’s looking for some eye-candy to have lunch with. We’re inviting you guys to send in your pics to aaronandtasso@q92fm.com! What do you think of these guys so far???

Eye-Candy #1
Eye-Candy #2
Eye-Candy #3
Eye-Candy #4

January 25, 2008. Tammy's lunchtime stand. 4 comments.

Who is that man Smithers?

We get a call from a woman who’s moved to a small town in BC (Smithers) – she’s listening online at 2:40AM!

Aaron gives us a bit of a monologue and we’re off and running for a Friday.

Talking with Tammy – about her date etc. have you sent your picture in guys?

Some kids yes/no for a Friday – no winners though…

Still time to get your Bridezilla letters if you haven’t yet. Today’s is another classic. Of course it didn’t happen to the author of the letter (sure, sure)

Can you imagine there’s another Rambo opening tonight? Stallone is over 60. Hence the Top 4 list.

Bill Clinton calls in to defend himself over the falling asleep in church story – check out the video! He also plays us a new song

Have a great weekend!

January 25, 2008. Recap. Leave a comment.

Hold me closer tiny scalpel

Rats in the hospitals? Not good says Aaron, Tasso isn’t so surprised.

Starbucks is considering making a one dollar cup of coffee, can you imagine? It’ll be smaller though; like a thimble.

Aaron has a weird story about somebody coming up to his car and asking for some food. What would you have done?

“paying it forward”

We congratulate our Michael Buble winner who’ll be meetin’ and greetin’ him soon!

Did you hear about the Premiere of Newfoundland? He got busted talking on the phone and it’s illegal, actually, he signed the bill.

Fact or fiction is tough today! I barely guessed any of them.

Winnie the PA called from the airport – she’s on her way to Cuba with some clients.

Bride-zilla time. The guys haven’t quite finished the theme yet, but at least the story was good!

Time for another “idle Chuck Norris thought” that guy is amazing.

A call from our buddy Renato – he’s got a few things on his mind!

Fact or fiction is way too hard, time for what’s this!

Country music Thursday (already?) which leads us into a discussion on Aarons pronunciation of certain words like “natural” and “singing” it’s kinda odd, don’t you think?

See ya later!

January 24, 2008. Recap. Leave a comment.


We’re starting off with an introduction of the staff, and talk about that new toilet built for two

Aaron launches into a bit of a monologue about personalities, beer, and colds (waa)

We kick off our Michael Buble auction nice and early; all the money goes to a good cause, http://www.generationsfoundation.com so I hope you’re bidding!

Aaron tells us about Celine Dion’s demands when she comes to town, which prompted her to call of course; she listens pretty early!

Aaron talks about a great website for Hall and Oates fans http://www.livefromdarylshouse.com

Fact or fiction time once again – and we finally got a winner!

“Yoga mat for Max”

Winnie calls with some strange happenings at Aarons place, and some news about Tasso’s dog.

Bride-zilla is off and running with a pretty wild story, have you sent yours in???

Tammy is still looking for a “lunch-time stand” have you sent in your pic gentlemen?

Daryl and Daryl call for the Buble auction, but they don’t quite get the concept

Hey Tammy got flowers!

January 23, 2008. Recap. Leave a comment.

Cake anyone?

Aaron kicks it off with a Tuesday morning monologue…

We have a what’s this question that makes everybody talk about their colds/flu’s and the fact that they won’t go away.

Aaron mentions that today is Linda Blair’s birthday. She played the possessed little girl in the film “The Exorcist” (scary!)

We play “Clone depot” spot, where you can buy a copy of – you!

Do you turn off your car when you fill up? Aaron is wondering if there’s a real reason to turn off your engine or not (better safe than sorry, right?)

The guys talk about having dinner with friends etc. which prompts Tammy to mention that she wants to meet a guy; so we’re doing it on air! Send you’re pics and I’ll post em here. There was a Tammy song as well of course (naturally)

“can I get her blood work?”

Insurance guy John NeGrow called as her first potential suitor (no thanks)

A little Fact or fiction for a Tuesday

Aaron’s ex-mechanic Gunther calls from the carshow to tell us more about electric cars.

Winnie the PA calls, she’s cleaning out Aaron’s fridge and has a few questions.

See ya tomorrow!

January 22, 2008. Recap. Leave a comment.

Electricity is in the air

Some football talk to warm up a freezing Monday – everybody watched the big game yesterday; OK except for Tasso, and except for me.

Aaron does another one of his monologues and wraps up some of the big stories of the week.

Aaron bought some terrible tasting cough syrup, which led Tasso to remark that a lot of grocery stores now stock more other stuff than groceries.

We get to hear a Lindsay Lohan parody about her new job in the morgue (it’s true!)

Daryl and Daryl call cuz they really want Spice Girl tickets. They don’t really understand the way it works though. Leo’s gonna have to explain it.

We call out Cuba trip winner and she’s totally caught off guard – but she’s on her way!

Aaron points out an important day in history.

Time for some fact or fiction – are you liking this game???

The mayor calls to let us know he’s stepping down – or is he? Aaron cheers him up, and he’s back baby!

You know, Aaron really has no problem with his female side, his emotions, facials, skin creams. Leo even points out that his mascara is running. We need a webcam.

Gunther the mechanic calls in from the Auto Show to tell us about his new venture – electric cars. Some of them are designed by “Eveready Bauer” (get it?)

Winnie calls to remind Aaron that his “financial advisor” wants to know what he wants him to do about the 20 bucks he “invested” in the football game. She also lets him know that his TV is missing.

See ya later!

January 21, 2008. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Friday morning, more snow ??!

We start off with a little talk about the Fete des neiges being cancelled (sucks)

Did you hear that the Casino is adding Texas hold ‘em poker, the only thing is you’ll be playing with a computer – which is kinda lame…

Aaron brings up that a company claims to have made a clone! There’s of course a song to go with the story.

Santana give aways all day today! We call our first winner, who’s not home, but we spoke to her daughter, and THEN she called, she was on her way to work.

Listener email time – it’s about Suzanne and her “procedure”. Tasso is still not convinced.

Aaron plays some “Celebrity Apprentice” clips with Gene Simmons – is anybody still watching this show?

Did you head that Mac users have a sense of superiority? Doesn’t surprise me, they think they’re so cool with their black mock-neck shirts and their wire-rim glasses…

Daryl and Daryl call up for some Santana tickets, they don’t really understand the whole Q-rewards thing…

Mom called about the fact that Aaron bounced a 40-dollar cheque and she wound up in jail.

Winnie called to tell the guys about their weekend plans…

See ya next week!

January 18, 2008. Recap. Leave a comment.

Today is Thursday. It’s cold

Aaron sounding better all the time, and we’re all here – again!

“bora bora”

There’s a discussion of Eddie Murphy and his marriage that only lasted 2 weeks. He got married in Bora Bora, and everybody talks about some of their favorite locales with weird names.

Tasso blasts Aaron for complaining about the weather since it’s gonna get cold next week. Maybe he’s right?


We play a round of Fact or fiction and our winner correctly states that all of the taste buds are NOT on the tongue, some are on the “epiglottis”. Here’s what that is:

The epiglottis is a lid-like flap of elastic cartilage tissue covered with a mucus membrane, attached to the root of the tongue. It projects obliquely upwards behind the tongue and the hyoid bone.

Ex PM Jean Chretien calls upset about the fact that the guys forgot his birthday last week (oops)

Mo gets on and talks about how mean she thinks American idol has become (are you still watching?)We play a few clips too

This John Negrow calls to sell insurance to Aaron.

Did you hear about the worlds first Siamese Twins who died on this date?

Country song Thursday

Winnie has some info for Aaron, and she needs some tickets for one of her other clients, the nerve!

See ya!

January 17, 2008. Recap. Leave a comment.

Guess who’s back!

Tasso’s back! He’s still a little under the weather, but he’s here nonetheless.

Suzanne’s back as well, better than ever!

A little American Idol talk and some clips as well, did you watch? It’s starting to look a little tired don’t ya think? Maybe we’ve just seen too much.

Aaron plays us a Lotto ad from the US that features a woman hitting a mailman over the head cuz he won $200,000 on a scratch ticket she gave him

Tasso gets to hear his song from yesterday – he thought it was a little harsh (but he did watch Days of our Lives yesterday)

We continue the Top 4 cannibal songs list from a few days ago, still funny!

Even though Aaron’s feeling sick, he went to the gym for the first time in two weeks. Tasso would love to go skiing, but he’s not quite ready yet

We interview Janet Logh – from a group called “team in training” check them out!

Winnie’s on the phone, and she went out to pick up some homeopathic cures for Aaron – she’s got some advice for him too. She ALSO outs Tasso, he was busy on his days off…

Our new game Fact or fiction now has a theme song!

Did you know carrots are now even better for you than before? Aaron tells us the “facts”

See ya!

January 16, 2008. Recap. Leave a comment.

Waking up with…Um, just Aaron

No Tasso day two, Aaron’s still feeling kinda under the weather, but what can you do?

He stars off with a monologue instead the usual roundtable discussion.

We got a bunch of calls from Tasso who felt at least well enough to pick up the phone.

We play a Tasso song that Aaron would like to state he had absolutely nothing to do with the creation of.

We play a new game called “fact or fiction” that’s a bit tough, but fun! (no theme yet)

Our friend Karla calls to comment on the story about the lack of bilingualism. in the Montreal job market.

Suzanne was off getting a colonoscopy today, and we listened in, as well as playing a song we did the last time she had one.

We close off with a Colby Callait/Fiest mash-up that Leo put together, good stuff!

See ya later…

January 15, 2008. Recap. Leave a comment.

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