RyanDan in the house

We start off with some math, changing the dollar etc.

“Big Hullabaloos”

Suzanne is back! She had a great time, even though it was really expensive. (12 pound martinis!)

“Did you find everything you were looking for?”

Has anybody ever asked you that in a store? It seems to be the new trend. Tasso can’t stand that.

McGill has been voted the best public university, maybe I should have gone?

Poor VISA guy Sheldon isn’t feeling so great, so he calls Aaron for help.

Misheard lyrics are coming up, but first – did you ever notice that Dido’s “Thank You” sounds like she’s saying “Spank You”? Maybe it’s just us.

Today’s misheard lyrics feature Crystal Gale and The Who – odd but bang on!

RyanDan time – they perform a great rendition of “The Face” live, and yes ladies, they are in fact cute in person.

Top 4 definitions of what love means to children – so sweet. You can always send in your list ideas to aaronandtasso@q92fm.com

Bon Jovi CD’s go to two more winners, the show is coming up soon!

Our pal Todd Gakk is filling in for Maureen, but he’s having a hard time working with the writers strike going on in Los Angeles.

Did you know that if you go shopping for groceries in Plattsburgh you can save up to 25%!

We play a song from P!nk “Who knew” and Where’ outta here!

November 8, 2007. Recap, RyanDan. Leave a comment.