Manic Monday

The world’s largest airplane is landing here today! That new Airbus. Gord Logan (news master, filling in for the still ailing Tammy Moyer) tried to answer the question as to why the Concord could never land here. Aaron’s theory is that it was too pointy – I’m not sure if that’s right though.

We discuss a few ideas for air travel, standing room, live entertainment, that sort of stuff.

Remembrance Day was yesterday, we hope you bought your poppy. Some businesses closed today (banks etc.)

Our big Celine Dion contest starts today, you’ve gotta listen for her new song “Taking Chances” that’s if you’d like to go to Las Vegas.

Today is the 50th anniversary of poutine! I certainly know how I’m gonna celebrate! Tasso doesn’t like it, but Aaron and Suzanne do.

We’re also starting our road rage contest today! Get your angry stories in to

Aaron pointed out one of the biggest stories of the weekend, the most beautiful camel contest, seriously.

Tasso brings up the VCR thing AGAIN – the guy won’t give up! He still insists on taping Coronation Street on it.

Listener email time – there’s now a link to the RyanDan video!

We got Santa on the phone – he’s not in such a great mood, but in his defense, he’s been working really hard.

“I’m totally busy”

Winnie calls with some info for Aaron, she had to straighten him out on a few things, plus get him to pick up a pair of boots for her. (What? They’re a team aren’t they?)

It’s top 4 time, health benefits of poutine (!) to celebrate its 50th anniversary

We did our grand prize draw for that trip to Mexico, congratulations Wilson Lee

Road rage is back! Send your stories in.

All three members of The Police are on the phone, what a great bunch of guys. Sting doesn’t seem to know too much about Montréal unfortunately.

Another goods what’s this question, (get your mind out of the gutter)

A little bit more silliness and we’ll see ya later!

November 12, 2007. Recap. Leave a comment.

RyanDan videos


November 12, 2007. RyanDan, video. Leave a comment.