"Next stop love"

We’re talking wine and the fact that 15,000 bottles of Beaujolais Nouveau are produced each year! Tasso prefers his homemade wine.

The sporadic school protests are being discussed, Aaron mentions that he gets letters from McGill asking for handouts for the school (he went there)

Tasso suggests bringing some fruit to the protests, to offer the kids of course.

Two 6/49 winners! One has come forward and Tasso says “he hasn’t come forward yet” (I think he’s kidding)

Bon Jovi again tonight and David Tyler has a pair of tickets for ya today at noon!

Aaron got his wood delivered yesterday, but now he has to stack it, do you think he’ll do it himself? Tasso’s giving him advice on how to cover it properly, but it doesn’t seem like he’s listening.

“My Volvo is an uptown Volvo”

Tasso had someone flash their highbeams at him cuz he wasn’t going fast enough on the way in. Was it Suzanne? Hmmm…

We play our Tammy Moyer song. Hope she liked it, she’s supposed to be back on Monday by the way.

“Next stop; love”

Sheldon is on to explain the wristband policy for the Celine Dion tickets – it’s pretty detailed, but at least everybody gets a chance this way.

What’s this question; how much time do YOU spend emailing friends at work – Tasso spends…not much.

Mo time;
She tells us about shopping in Italy and buying stuff at “outlet malls”

Road rage time – you know, the music at Q92 is designed to make you happy, you should listen extra long if you suffer from road rage.

Gargling for Celine!’
Jocelyn is up first – “my heart will go on”
Tanya’s next – “because you loved me”

Jocelyn wins!

Modified news time with Debi.

Karla calls to tell us about her Bon Jovi night with Renato, sounds like it’s gonna be a blast! She’ll probably tell us about how it went afterwards.

Mo time!
Sexiest men alive

Winnie is back, embarrassing Aaron as usual, she’s so sweet.

More gargling tomorrow and we’ll see you at Ste. Justine’s!

November 15, 2007. Recap. Leave a comment.