Two links

Global warming:

American Gladiators:

January 8, 2008. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.


We start off with a little talk about the revised American Gladiators show, did you watch?

Suzanne can’t believe how much afternoon TV the guys watch when she has no time for Oprah or Dr. Phil

Aaron brings up that Starbucks and MacDonald’s are in a bit of a coffee war. Suzanne actually like Starbucks, the plain stuff anyway.

“Andy” calls in to request a song from for the “Pupini Sisters” – the guy sounds pretty broken up

What do you think about global warming? First off we play our “summer in the winter” song, from this time last year.

There’s also a link to an interesting article above.

Aaron’s Aunt Marlene went to Vegas for New Year’s with her boyfriend Gorani. The funny thing is, she saw Ben Mulroney in town this past week at Snowdon Deli, and he was proposing to his girlfriend. Again.

Elvis calls on what would be his birthday and requests the famous clip of himself laughing during a concert.

Lenny the intern is learning a 4th language – Scottish! (Don’t ask) so far so-so


Everybody’s fav Bunga calls in and he also saw Ben…In Africa! Proposing! Man, you can’t make this stuff up…

January 8, 2008. Recap. Leave a comment.