(No) Country music Thursday

Aaron’s still pretty sick, it’s nearly been a week

“smell mobility”

There’s a story about a kid who discovered he’s allergic to the Nickel found in his cell phone. He broke out in a rash until he got a different one.

Hydro still has bunch of customers without power and Suzanne tells us how the system tries to reboot itself 3 times before your lights stay off for good.

“How would you play that exactly?”
Is American idol dying? We mentioned yesterday that Ruben and Taylor Hicks have both lost their record deals, and today Aaron tell us that the same is true for Katherine McPhee. We discuss how this year contestants are allowed to bring instruments and Tasso says his would be a pogo stick…

Tasso’s dog has problems – for one, he gets really cold, so they bought him a jacket!

Mo tells us about her mom being not too tech savvy, and we talk about relatives who like to forward junk mail to everybody

Winnie the PA calls with a couple of health tips for Aaron, and plans to clean Tasso’s dogs coat.

Sam Ting calls to say, um, I’m not sure. Happy New Year for one thing, and that he saw Ben Mulroney at “Holy Chow” the other night.

Mayor Tremblay explains why he shot down the new tax for the island of Montreal

“future shock”
Special tasers are on sale for ladies and everybody riffs on where they might be available

January 10, 2008. Recap. Leave a comment.