Hold me closer tiny scalpel

Rats in the hospitals? Not good says Aaron, Tasso isn’t so surprised.

Starbucks is considering making a one dollar cup of coffee, can you imagine? It’ll be smaller though; like a thimble.

Aaron has a weird story about somebody coming up to his car and asking for some food. What would you have done?

“paying it forward”

We congratulate our Michael Buble winner who’ll be meetin’ and greetin’ him soon!

Did you hear about the Premiere of Newfoundland? He got busted talking on the phone and it’s illegal, actually, he signed the bill.

Fact or fiction is tough today! I barely guessed any of them.

Winnie the PA called from the airport – she’s on her way to Cuba with some clients.

Bride-zilla time. The guys haven’t quite finished the theme yet, but at least the story was good!

Time for another “idle Chuck Norris thought” that guy is amazing.

A call from our buddy Renato – he’s got a few things on his mind!

Fact or fiction is way too hard, time for what’s this!

Country music Thursday (already?) which leads us into a discussion on Aarons pronunciation of certain words like “natural” and “singing” it’s kinda odd, don’t you think?

See ya later!

January 24, 2008. Recap.

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